
The initial cost of pipes for model 1 is 12.52 % higher than model H, and the production per year of model H is 68.6% higher than model 1. Initial cost of model H is 78.57 % more than model 2 but production of model H is 78.6 % more per year than model 2. Model H pretends to optimize production, lowering working labor cost using 32 robotic arms for whole model H; the robotization of 1 unit of model H will be $500 per arm in addition to 3,000 for two railing posts from which a line rail in tension supports the robotic arms. The rail moves in the k, - k and j, -j directions but the arms moves in the i, -i direction with 360 degrees of gyration autonomy along the XY plane.  The robotic arm can manipulate, insert and take out lettuce plants from their positions. 

This design optimize production because the space between tubes is reduced; The initial cost of the operating robotic arm increase total cost but the human labor is not needed which represents savings in a long term. Solar panels and robotic arms will increase initial cost but will decrease operative and electric costs in a long term. Model H intend to mathematically optimize production by having the best use of available space, renewable energy and other resources. It has the highest initial cost among the models analyzed, but its distribution and operation system is thought to generate 65.1% more product per cycle than model 2. 


Cost of operation are variable depending on water availability, type of chemicals used and many other variants of cost which depends on the country or region where the system is installed; for this reason, the initial cost for the systems are basically structural and is calculated on information from Orlando Fl local Lowe’s stores, hydroponic local stores; this information is updated for Florida prices for 12 March 2017. Cost of installation and costs of functioning may vary from country to country. Robotic aid model H has a competitive production rate compared to the other 2 hydroponic models but it also has a higher initial cost of installation. Robotic aid Model H has its best benefit in a long-term production, reducing human labor costs and reducing electric energy cost using solar panels into the system.